Wednesday 14 January 2015

HFMD notification from the school on 13-Jan'15

Today I received a notification from Sher's school, there were 2 reported cases of HFMD outbreak at her kindergarten!

Every little ones in the school & parents were briefed on the symptoms and do our own physical checks to look out for early signs of HFMD at home before coming to school. If the children were to develop HFMD, we were advised not to send the child to school and rest at home.

Gosh, given Sher's history on the ulcers incidents back in May-Jul'13, she will definitely be on the top list. But the first thing that goes in my mind now was, i'm not really too worried about this outbreak of HFMD in her school & was very thankful that i'm armed with the knowledge in my hand on the science of nutritional immunology and how super whole food can nourish her body thereby greatly boost her immune system.

In fact, a few of her classmates' mummies have also vividly remember that Sher has been having ulcers that frequent last year and commented on her vast improvements as she has not missed a single day from school since then. (ummm.... that's when i feel a sense of accomplishment, I have helped my daughter regain back her health! Every parents would want their child to grow up healthy and well am i right?)

So back home this evening, little Sher was extremely excited to inform me on the notice and what they should do. Well, she knows she is not supposed to put her fingers in her mouth and if she has fever, runny nose blah blah blah, she is to stay at home. Her ending message to me was to nourish her body with Oxyginberry and Orchestra as these are SUPER FOOD!!

At the same time, i hope everyone do keep a close watch on your little ones and monitor for any early signs. Have plenty of rest, avoid crowded places and take more fluids. Most importantly is to maintain good hygiene :)

If you would like to know more on how to defend your little ones from the common diseases, do feel free to contact me at 9843-4599 for a non-obligatory discussion.

Karen Lim


  1. Wow! So early in the beginning of the year and HFMD strikes again! However, it does show that disease and illness does not stop and health is always a 24/7 concern.

    1. Totally agreed that health is always a 24/7 concern. As HFMD is a viral infections so there is no medication to this. Hence it's really dependable on our own immune systems to recover :)
