Wednesday 31 August 2016

Aromantic Cookies for Teachers' Day

Happy Teachers' Day to all the beloved teachers!

Every year Sher will prepare her hand drawn or paint a card to show her appreciation and thank her teachers from her Pre-Nursery class at age 3 to 5.
I believe this is the most sincere way of showing our appreciation as its coming out from her own thoughts and also very cost economical.

This year is exceptionally special as its her last year with her Kindergarten and we are really grateful for her teachers for nurturing her and allow Sher to realize her fullest potential, we decided to do something different.

Recently we were trying out a new recipe in baking which could gives a nice melt-in-the-mouth cookies and what's more, we even added Aromantic into the cookie to make it more flavorful with a coffee taste without caffine and not forgetting they are also rich in amino and calcium.

How is it possible to enjoy Coffee without Caffine?
Click here to know about what is Aromantic and its goodness.

Here's some snap shot of our Aromantic Cookie making session.
Hope you also enjoy the cookies :)
Mix all the ingredients together and pipe the cookies
Packing the cookies in the container and seal with LOVE.....
Happy Teachers' Day!!
Karen Lim

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