Sunday 23 October 2016

Live with Dr Chen 2016 - Chapter 4 @ 26 November 2016

Attended Chapter 3 Live with Dr. Chen by World Renowned Nutritional Immunologist on 10th September 2016 and together with Dr. EE Zhang (MBChB).
Both of them discussed on trending health topics like ZIKA virus and shared tips for a healthy lifestyle. The Q&A session was well received as Dr. Chen and Dr. Zhang shared their health knowledge and expertise with everyone.

Review from my guest attending the talk
If you have missed the previous chapter, fret not as this 26th November 2016, Dr. Chen is coming down to share with everyone the latest health topics and tips on NOT 1 but 2 different sessions!!

1. Live! with Dr. Chen

Language : Chinese
Date         : 26 Nov'16
Time        : 2 - 4pm
Venue      : Resorts Woeld Convention Centre, East Ballroom, Basement 2
Ticket      : $15 (Early birth door gift giveaway ends 15mins before commencement of the event in person)

Topics     :
1. Allergies - How to prevent & control allergies?
2. Gluten Free Diet - Is it helpful?
3. Probiotics - Does taking yogurt & probiotics necessary for good health?
4. Gastric Ulcer - What's the relation of Helicobacter Pylori bacteria to gastric ulcer? Is it contagious?
5. Cholesterol - Why does Vegetarian still get high Cholesterol?
6. Dietary Fiber - How can fiber helps to reduce Cholesterol lever?
7. Cancer - Does fructose speedy up the growth of Cancer cells?
8. Diabeties - On average 1 out of 12 person, there is 1 person diagnose with Diabetes. How can we prevent it?
9. Breakfast - What makes a healthy breakfast?

2.  A Date with Dr. Chen

Special Session conducted in English for the first time.

Language    : English
Date            : 26 Nov'16
Time:          : 11 - 1pm
Venue         : Resorts World Convention Centre, East Ballroom, Basement 2
Ticket         : $20 (Early birth door gift giveaway ends 15mins before commencement of the event in person)

Topics         : Cardiovascular & Liver Systems
Special Guest, Dr. EE Zhang, MBChB

Let's hear from our guests on what they have benefitted from the past Live! with Dr. Chen health talk @

Hurry, order your tickets now!

Thanks & Best Regards,
Karen Lim

Sunday 18 September 2016

Jade Mooncake

How would you like a healthier choice of moon cake without feeling the guilt from the high cholesterol salty egg yolk?

Like to share this very refreshing VegeColor Mooncake that I made and received a lot of good reviews from my family, friends and colleagues!!

A few of my colleagues even avoided the "egg yolk" as they don't want to put on extra calories and cholesterol levels :p but they feel more assured after explaining to them what the "egg yolk" is made of.

My cousin inspired me to gave this a very classy name Jade Mooncake as what the colour of the moon cake calls for :)

Made from all wholesome fruits and 28 types of Vegetables.

Happy Mid Autumn Festival everyone!

Contact me if you want to know more on how you can include VegeColor into your everyday meals for convenience. 

Thanks & Best Regards,
Karen Lim

Wednesday 31 August 2016

Teacher's Day in the making 2016..... (Bunny ORiGAMi, RIO Olympics Medal)

We borrowed a book about Origami Magic Show and this cute little bunny is very easy to make.
As usual, we will normally have a chat on what to draw. This year, she's so excited as she master a new skill to fold a Bunny hopping out of the hat!
Hence, Sher decided she wanted to have this Bunny appearing in all the cards that she draws.
Here's a short video on how she fold the bunny ORiGAMi....
And her Aromantic Cookie making here.

See how she drew the shadows casting from the bird, tree and cloud?
A Rio Olympics inspired Gold Medal for the best Teachers in the Whole Wide World!!
Karen Lim

Aromantic Cookies for Teachers' Day

Happy Teachers' Day to all the beloved teachers!

Every year Sher will prepare her hand drawn or paint a card to show her appreciation and thank her teachers from her Pre-Nursery class at age 3 to 5.
I believe this is the most sincere way of showing our appreciation as its coming out from her own thoughts and also very cost economical.

This year is exceptionally special as its her last year with her Kindergarten and we are really grateful for her teachers for nurturing her and allow Sher to realize her fullest potential, we decided to do something different.

Recently we were trying out a new recipe in baking which could gives a nice melt-in-the-mouth cookies and what's more, we even added Aromantic into the cookie to make it more flavorful with a coffee taste without caffine and not forgetting they are also rich in amino and calcium.

How is it possible to enjoy Coffee without Caffine?
Click here to know about what is Aromantic and its goodness.

Here's some snap shot of our Aromantic Cookie making session.
Hope you also enjoy the cookies :)
Mix all the ingredients together and pipe the cookies
Packing the cookies in the container and seal with LOVE.....
Happy Teachers' Day!!
Karen Lim

Sunday 21 August 2016

How is it possible to enjoy Coffee without Caffine?

We all know calcium is an important for overall health. Calcium plays an important role in muscle contractions, transmitting messages through the nerves and release of hormones.
If we don't get enough calcium in our diet, the body will takes the calcium from our bones and this will leads to weakening of the bones or even osteoporosis.

Aromantic is made from a variety of premium herbs. It contains Pearl, Bee Pollen, Barley and Pumpkin Flower. It is rich in amino acids, phytochemicals and calcium that are easily absorbed by the body. This delightful beverage with an aroma of coffee smell ! (which comes from the roasting of the barley) is a convenient source of nutrition for those who do not get enough amino acids and calcium in their diets.

Pearl is rich in calcium and may help to improve skin condition and the digestive system.

Bee Pollen
Bee Pollen is rich in amino acids, which provide nutrition needed by growing children and for immunity against bacteria and viruses. Aromantic uses bee pollen from a single type of flower, lowering the risk of allergy. The bee pollen in Aromantic is concentrated and professionally processed to remove its indigestible shell.

Barley is high in amino acids, vitamins, protein, carbohydrates, minerals and beta-glucan. Beta-glucan promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the colon and helps prevent absorption of fats and cholesterol in the intestine. Barley can be roasted to obtain more nutrients.

Pumpkin Flower

Pumpkin Flower is rich in carotene. It may be effective against conditions such as insomnia, high blood pressure and stroke. It can also improve heart function.

What other ways can you do with Aromantic?

Aromantic can be enjoy as a beverage by itself, added in to bake coffee pancake, cookies etc.
Stay tuned for Aromantic Cookies!! (& how Sher makes them for her Teacher's Day gifts Aromantic Cookie Making)

For more information on Aromatic, do contact me for a non-obligatory consultation today :)

Best Regards,
Karen Lim

Friday 19 August 2016



1. *Eagles fly Alone and at High Altitudes.*
They don't fly with sparrows, ravens, and other small birds.

MEANING; Stay away from narrow-minded people, those that bring you down. Eagle flies with Eagles. Keep good company.


2. *Eagles have an Accurate Vision.*
They have the ability to focus on something as far as 5km away. No matter the obstacles, the eagle will not move his focus from the prey until he grabs it.
MEANING; Have a vision and remain focused no matter what the obstacles and you will succeed.


3. *Eagles do not Eat Dead things. They Feed only on Fresh Prey.*
MEANING; Do not rely on your past success, keep looking for new frontiers to conquer. Leave your past where it belongs, in the past.


4. *Eagles Love the Storm.*

When clouds gather, the eagle gets excited, the eagle uses the storms wind to lift itself higher. Once it finds the wind of4 the storm, the eagle uses the raging storm to lift itself above the clouds. This gives the eagle an opportunity to glide and rest its wings. In the meantime, all the other birds hide in the branches and leaves of the tree.

MEANING; Face your challenges head on knowing that these will make you emerge stronger and better than you were. We can use the storms of life to rise to greater heights. Achievers are not afraid to rise to greater heights. Achievers are not afraid of challenges, rather they relish them and use them profitably.

5. *When a Female Eagle Meets a Male Eagle*
and they want to mate, she flies down to earth, picks a twig and flies back into the air with the male eagle in hot pursuit. Once she has reached a height high enough for her, she drops the twig and let it fall to the ground while she watches. The male eagle chases after the twig and catches it before it reached the ground, then bring it back to the female eagle. The female eagle grabs the twig and flies to a much higher altitude and drop the twig again for the male eagle to chase. This goes on for hours with the height increasing each time until the female eagle is assured that the male eagle has mastered the art of picking the twig which shows commitment. Then and only then will she allow him to mate with her.

MEANING; Whether in private life or business, one should test the commitment of the people intended for partnership.

6. *Eagles Prepare for Training;*
They remove the feathers and soft grass in the nest so that the young ones get uncomfortable in preparation for flying and eventually flies when it becomes unbearable to stay in the nest.

MEANING; *Leave your Comfort Zone, there is No Growth There.*

7. *When the Eagle Grows Old,*
His feathers becomes weak and cannot take him as fast and as high as it should. This makes him weak and could make him die. So he retires to a place far away in the mountains. While there, he plucks out the weak feathers on his body and breaks its beaks and claws against the rocks until he is completely bare; a very bloody and painful process. Then he stays in this hiding place until he has grown new feathers, new beaks and claws and then he comes out flying higher than before.

MEANING; We occasionally need to shed off old habit no matter how difficult, things that burden us or add no value to our lives should be let go of.



They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles.

Best Regards,
Karen Lim

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Behavior Charts

Something I would like to share what I have been doing with Sher to get her ready for P1 since the start of 2016, well I know its a bit too early and Kiasu right?

Very blessed is since K1, Sher's teachers have been setting them the mood to P1 and especially this year in K2, it was even more which gives them what they would be doing when they goes to P1.

Thus, Sher was even more excited as she is visualizing herself to buy food from the canteen during recess time and how her classroom will looked like etc.

So exciting isn't it? I bet you would be as much as you see her narrating.

Here am I, I'm also trying to get her in the routine of preparing Sher to be more independent and we are trying out this behavior chart which I chanced upon from the website that I would like to share.

I choose this template so I can customize the activities that I would like Sher to be doing.

After we discussed, this is the list of activities that we will be focusing for 2016 and only for Monday to Friday. At the end of the week, she will draw the treat / reward she wants and work towards it.

We paste this chart on the fridge and Sher will get to put a tick for every activity she has completed and there is no time limit so as not to put stress on her but more of cultivating the discipline to set the routine.

Feel free to explore the link which I share below and hope you can find some joy in creating a behavior chart for the daily routine :)

Mid year & 3rd quarter progress check, we still have room for improvement and she's definitely getting the hang of the routine with an occasional nudge to get things going......

Saw the "good" Friday on the row? haha yes, this is her April chart.
Can you guess what's her reward that she drew on the chart?


Best Regards,
Karen Lim

Sunday 7 August 2016

Limited Edition Pearly Glow Powder & Pearly Glow Blush

Very excited that E Excel came out with the limited edition Pearly Glow Powder and Pearly Glow Blush series which came just in time!

Sher was involved in the Braddell Heights 51st National Day Dinner Celebration with Mr Seah Kian Peng as the guest of honor.

We have the opportunity to let Sher try on the cosmetics which is naturally safe and free from all the heavy metals.

A thin layer of Elemente foundation with natural tone before applying the blusher.
The Pearly Glow Powder & Pearly Glow Blush colors came out nice and good enough for daily use :)
Finished off with the lipstick (rose color).

Happy 51st Birthday Singapore!

Karen Lim

Saturday 30 July 2016

Invitation to Live with Dr Chen - Chaper 3 (2016)

This is the first time Dr Chen Jau Fei is holding her Live with Dr Chen session in English!
Don't miss this opportunity and join us to know about the latest health knowledge and information.
Best Regards,
Karen Lim

Thursday 23 June 2016

Nutrition . Immunity . Longevity book is now available at major bookstores!!

I'm very excited to share that Nutrition . Immunity . Longevity by Dr Chen Jau Fei is now available at major bookstore POPULAR, Kinokuniya and Times Bookstores.

Present your Bookstore receipt at our Customer Service counter to receive a gift worth over $39!!

This is limited to the 1st 600 receipt submissions !
Catch Dr Chen Jau Fei, world renowned Nutritional Immunologist being interviewed by Taipei InDesign in conjunction with her new book launched on 17-May'15 in Singapore.
Dr Chen Jau-Fei (E.Excel Founder) interview with Channel News Asia (CNA)

Interested to know more about what's in her book? Catch a glimpse over here: 

Best Regards,
Karen Lim

Saturday 18 June 2016

Sentiments about attending 2016 E Excel Convention

I just attended E Excel 29th Convention almost 2weeks back on 5-June'16 with my family. This is our first time attending E Excel Convention.

It was a very meaningful event and the most touching moment is when Dr Chen's children were sharing their thoughts about their Mother.

Her children shared that Dr Chen, although she wear many hats at work and home, but as a Mother; her goal for her children is to grow up happy and healthy.Her life goal is very simple, that is a disease free world :)

At that moment, I was holding back my tears and I'm sure Dr Chen is also very happy that her goal does comes true when her 3 children were all grown up and sharing the same stage with her on that evening.

would also like to wish everyone who's reading my blog now to be happy and healthy as we treasure every minute and second of our life.

Enjoy the rest of the lovely weekend with your loved ones !

Best Regards,
Karen Lim

Monday 16 May 2016

Count down to 2016 E Excel Convention

As we start to count down and looking forward to our 2016 E Excel Convention.

Show schedule for the day

Special Guest Singer : Zhou Hui from Taiwan
Attractive door gifts worth more than $147 :)

Best Regards,
Karen Lim

Friday 1 April 2016

Check on my 2016 resolutions...

As we get into 2nd quarter of 2016, its time to review what we have done for the last quarter and are we on track for our resolution set for the year.

At the start of 2016, I did a list of resolutions and out of which I'm very happy to says that I still managed to keep up to my momentum.

1. My 52 week money challenge - still on track
2. Exercise twice a week - checked
3. Cook at least 2-3 times a week - checked
4. and the list goes on......

Best Regards,
Karen Lim

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Trifloral Jelly - Osmanthus with Wolfberries

It is always a hit at every gathering or pot luck that I always prepare the Osmanthus Jelly to bring along. At the same time, I also love to drink Trifloral Osmanthus flavor as it gives a very nice fragrance and best of all, it has very high antioxidants which can relieve stress, headache, aid weight management and especially good for sore throat (and I have to give a high five for this as I personally experience this when I was preparing for my children workshop in April'15 at CoolDeSac and I was down with a really bad cough and on the verge of losing my voice. I drank 2 tea bags the day before and another on the next morning prior to the workshop. Luckily I was able to talk non-stop for almost half a day without much hiccups. So trust me, this is really good !!)

This round we have a gathering at my house, I decided to try to add in the tea to give a more aromatic Osmanthus tea flavor and true enough, the overall experience is really awesome!

Everyone loves the jelly and its also very refreshing & thirst quenching after a very sinful dinner :)

Hope you will also love this jelly as much as I do. Do give me your comments after trying out this recipe.

Closed up view of the jelly. I loved the visual effects of Osmanthus flowers and wolfberries showing in the jelly

soak a bag of trifloral to 500ml of water. I only put 1 bag as I'm adding osmanthus flowers so I do not want to overwhelm the taste.

add osmanthus flowers to the trifloral in a pot and bring to a boil, add in Konnyaku jelly powder and stir till dissolved

prepare the soaked wolfberries in the jelly mould

pour the jelly mixture in the jelly mould

I tried a different method by separating the Trifloral from the jelly mixture and only pour in after the mixture is dissolved.  The jelly mixture once off the heat from the stove, gets solidify pretty fast. My verdict is I still prefer the first method I have shared earlier as it's easier to manage.

I loved the QQ texture of Konnyaku jelly over agar agar or the normal jelly
made another batch for my colleagues after my gathering over the weekend. Got a thumbs up from them :)
Thanks & Best Regards,
Karen Lim

Tuesday 8 March 2016

How I hide 28 types of vegetables in Ms Picky Eater's sushi ball ?

We bought a sushi ball shaker from Daiso some time back and have been toying with the idea of making it together with Sher to increase her exploration of different food and texture.

So finally I bought the necessary ingredients and all ready to make sushi ball !

Drop me a note on how do you make your kids eat more fruits and vegetables?

For more information on VegeColor, do contact me at 9843-4599.

Karen Lim

Tuesday 2 February 2016

E Excel Quarterly Mag (Jan-Mar'16)

Sher spotted me on EE quarterly Mag cover page!
It's a privilege for our group photo to be selected on the cover page which distributes across Asia

I'm elated to be able to be on the incentive trip with fellow E Excellers to China, Xi An in Nov'15.

We were given VVIP treatment throughout the whole 6D5N from the 5star hotels, meals and programs specially arranged for us. It was very enjoyable.

Best Regards,
Karen Lim
9843 4599

Sunday 10 January 2016

The Story Cosmetics : WHY Choose ELEMENTE?

化妝品的故事 The Story of Cosmetics

Have you ever wonder what harmful chemicals goes into the toiletries we are using everyday from the start of the day till we sleep?
From toothpaste, facial products, body wash, hand soap, sanitizer, shampoo & conditioner and many more?

Watch this YouTube video to find out more.


Friday 1 January 2016

2016 resolutions

My 2016 resolution started off with getting a new pair of running shoes, attire for the workout (which I have never own a pair for many years because I was never a sporty person to begin with).

Ok, I have to confess I'm not trying to lose weight over here for those of you who know me but rather to build and tone up my muscles. And well, alright hopefully can gain some weight at the same time :)

So I will be doing more on the circuit training rather than high cardio exercise like running on treadmill, cycling etc.

Another goal for myself is to start this 52-week money challenge!
Saw my friend completed this and she reward herself with something at the end of the year which is also like a Christmas gifts too. Sounds so nice isn't it? She's going for it the 2nd or 3rd round this year with increased deposited amount.

I'm gonna start off with the below :) Wish me luck !

1. weekly workout
2. 52 week money challenge
3. cook at least 2-3times a week

Leading towards a Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle.....

a sneak peek at my new running shoes!

Best Regards,
Karen Lim